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A B O U T   A M B E R


​​A California native, and transplant from Los Angeles, Amber grew up in the thriving SF Bay Area music scene of the early 70’s. Her mother’s experiences as a vocalist left a deep imprint, as she spent playtime backstage during concerts of legends in music history. As a shy 11 yr old, Amber was introduced to the stage through dance, where she found herself at home for the first time. By the age of 15, Amber cut her teeth singing backgrounds in her uncle's reggae band, Smoke, Inc.  She went on to pay her dues playing the Bay Area club scene in search of the elusive record deal with various original projects, most notably Psychefunkapus and Burning TV. As a vocalist, Amber has performed in the capacity of both lead and background with many of the Bay Area’s own music royalty. Amber has been a member of several all-star bands performing as a background vocalist for hire both onstage and in the recording studio.


Amber can be seen performing around the Bay Area as singer and songwriter for Americana/Soul Band Wreckless Strangers, who recently recorded full LP in 2020 with Colin Linden (Keb Mo, MD for Nashville -TV Show). The release date is May 21, 2022. Three singles are currently available on all platforms. The Wreckless Strangers are currently writing for the next album and plan to get into the studio in Jan of 2023.


Amber is fortunate to be one of the most sought after vocal coaches in the Bay Area. With 20 years experience, Amber’s mission is to empower her clients with tools that will allow them to take their vocal skills to an entirely new level. Through her own bout with an illness, acid reflux, Amber’s loss of vocal range set her on her life path. Through determination and labor of love, Amber was not only able to rehabilitate herself, but she takes this knowledge into her vocal training, offering singers a compassionate, judgement free environment to work through vocal issues, reconnect with their instrument and discover new potential.


Amber lives in Marin County, Ca with her husband, guitarist Tal Morris and their dog Elvis. 


  • WRECKLESS STRANGERS, "When the Sun and a Blue Star Collide" produced by COLIN LINDEN


    • CLARENCE CLEMONS and RAUL REKOW (Santana), Studio -  "Sacred Chants" unpublished


    • JESSE COLIN YOUNG – Studio


    • TOMMY CASTRO BAND - album "Hard Believer"


    • MARK KARAN - Studio tracks album "Walk Through the Fire"


    • MUSIC FOR LITTLE PEOPLE - various tracks


    • KING OF THE HILL, background track for TV


    • SESAME STREET, lead vocal track




    • The Ronnie Montrose Memorial All-Star Band, 5/12 DVD of show to be released soon, Filmed at Regency Ballroom, SF

  •• Huey Lewis & the News – “Soulsville”  video  

  •• Huey Lewis & the News -"Respect Yourself" video 

  • • EveryDay People Prod. – “We Stand For Change” video





Workshop and Group Teaching:

2008 – Present Vocal Summer Workshop Series, Director: Amber Morris, 5 yrs providing specialized workshops for teen vocalists.

2012 – 2013 Marin Academy, Musical Director: Robert Schleeter. Hands-on vocal & performance coaching & critiques all levels of bands
2011- 2012  Marin Academy, Professional Musician Workshop Mentor for upper level performing classes. 
2007   Marin Academy, Workshop specialist on technique with chorus class

2009 Marin Country Day School, Musical Director: Matt Silverman, Corte Madera Hands-on vocal performance coaching for 8th grade play.

2008 & 2009 Blue Bear School of American Music, Director: Bonnie Hayes, San Francisco
Co-taught Summer Camps with Bonnie Hayes. Vocal & performance coaching for teens and pre-teens, all styles of popular music.

2007, 2008  Blue Star Music Camps, Director: Jimmy Dillon, San Anselmo
Co-taught Summer Camps with Jimmy Dillon, Bonnie Hayes. Vocal and performance coaching teens and pre-teens all styles of popular music.

2005  Timba Charter School, Director: Catherine Tiffin, Fairfax - Taught group vocal technique and performance to pre-teens.

AUG 2012 EcoFest, sponsored by Teens Turning Green & Whole Foods,  Sausalito, CA 
JUN 2012  Amber Morris Summer Workshop Acoustic & Raw Show, Sleeping Lady,  Fairfax
JUN 2012  Amber Morris Summer Workshop Classic Rock & Soul Show, Sleeping Lady,  Fairfax
MAY 2012 Amber Morris Voice Coaching Showcase, George’s Nightclub,   San Rafael
MAY 2012 Amber Morris Voice Coaching Showcase, George’s Nightclub,   San Rafael
JUL 2011  Amber Morris Summer Workshop Classic Rock Show, Sleeping Lady   Fairfax
JUN 2011  Amber Morris Summer Workshop Acoustic , Sleeping Lady   Fairfax
JUN 2011  Amber Morris Voice Coaching Alumni Show, Southern Pacific Smokehouse Novato
MAY 2011 Amber Morris Voice Coaching Showcase, George’s Nightclub - Sr  San Rafael
MAY 2011 Amber Morris Voice Coaching Showcase, George’s Nightclub - Jr  San Rafael
DEC 2010 Bread & Roses Christmas Show, Convalescent Hospital   Terra Linda
MAY 2010 Rozzi Crane Show, Larkspur Food and Flower Festival Main Stage  Larkspur
MAY 2010 Amber Morris Voice Coaching Showcase, Rancho Nicasio   Nicasio
DEC 2009 Bread & Roses Concert, Convelescent Hospital    Terra Linda
DEC 2009 Bread & Roses Concert, After School Program    Novato
NOV 2009 Bread & Roses Concert, Men’s Substance Rehabilitation Center  Novato
OCT 2009 Wine Women & Song, Breast Cancer Benefit, Sleeping Lady   Fairfax
AUG 2009 Madison Cain Showcase, Performing Arts Theater   Sacramento
AUG 2009 Teens Turning Green, featuring Rozzi, Devon, Lara , Madi & Desiree  Corte Madera
JUL 2009  Amber Morris Summer Workshop Series, Acoustic at Teens Turning Green Corte Madera
JUN 2009  Amber Morris Summer Workshop Series, Classic Rock, at BASS  San Rafael
JUN 2009  Rozzi Crane Show, Main Stage, North Beach Festival   San Francisco
JUN 2009  Rozzi Crane Show, Italian Street Painting Festival    San Rafael
MAY 2009 Amber Morris Voice Coaching Showcase, 42 Throckmorton Theater  Mill Valley
MAY 2009 Rozzi Crane Showcase, Bay Area Sound Studios (BASS)    San Rafael
APR 2009 Project Green Prom featuring Amanda, Alexa, Ania   Corte Madera
JUL 2008  Amber Morris Summer Workshop Series, Acapella Bread & Roses perform. San Rafael
JUN 2008  Devon, Rozzi, Olivia & Lela (Vox Voodoo) Italian Street Painting  San Rafael
JUN 2008  Amber Morris Summer Series; Jazz Standards Workshop: Rassella’s Show San Francisco
JUN 2006  Amber Morris Voice Coaching Showcase, Larkspur Café Theater  Larkspur
JUN 2005  Amber Morris Voice Coaching Showcase, Café Amsterdam   Fairfax

amber morris

​   v o i c e   c o a c h i n g   

   &   t a l e n t  

​   d e v e l o p m e n t



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